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Strict quality control starts from the beginning with processing of first-class raw materials by adopting advanced facilities to make quality products.
item.gif (590 bytes) We serve our industrial customers directly, provide not only professional 
technical support but also cost-effectively products and services
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(1)Viscosity: Low  (5)Non-Yellowing:Excellent  (9)Electrical Conductivity:Excellent
(2)Gloss: High  (6)Adhesion:Excellent (10)Easy to apply
(3)Hardness: High (7)Smoothness:Excellent (11)Dust-Free(processed with 
1Łg filtration facility)
(4)Solid content: High (8)Recoatablily:Excellent
Mat acrylic baking paint,Mat general baking paint, Mat PU topcoat, Mat lacquer paint for woodenware & plastic.
(1)Touching: Excellent  (4)Smoothness:Excellent
(7) Solid contents and film thickness:High
(2)Viscosity: Low (5)Recoatablily:Excellent (8)Graining:Under 25Łg (micron)
(3)Hardness: High (6)Drying time:Fast  ˇ@
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(1)Viscosity:Low  (3)Hardness:fair (5)Solid contents and film thickness:High
(2)Easy for sanding  (4)Drying time:Fast (6)Graining:Under 25Łg (micron)
Silver plating baking paint, PU silver plating paint , Silver plating lacquer paint Silver baking paint, Silver PU paint and Silver lacquer paint.
Black / White baking coating, Mat black/white baking coating and Black /White silver baking paint.
PU (Black topcoat, Mat black coating, Silver Black Coating, Black primer, White topcoat, Mat white coating, Silver white coating and White primer.
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Http://www.chep.com.tw//  E-mail:chaoshin@ms18.hinet.net

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